How to update credentials with Git Credentials Manager

How to update credentials with Git Credentials Manager

Access denied, insufficient permissions....

Have you ever seen this message when trying to interact with a git repository on windows? Since 2018 Microsoft moved to Git Credentials Manager, from the previous Windows Credential Store For Git.

I'm using either Fork or a plain terminal with a handful of Git commands for most of my daily interaction with Git. Recently I had to make some changes in a clients codebase that hadn't been touched for a long time. Of course my credentials were expired. For some reason the Git Credential Manager did not pop-up and required me to re-enter credentials. Here is my little guide on how to fix this.

Verify Git Credential Manager

This step might not be required, but you should at least check the version of Git Credential Manager running on your system.

Check the version with the version from this site, and update if needed.

Remove old credentials

To verify the credentials used, check the credentials manager here

Control Panel => User Accounts => Credential Manager

From the list of windows credentials, find the entry for the git repository you're trying to access.

Click Remove.

Back to your Git tool of choice and once again try to execute the git command. This time a dialog should popup, requesting you to enter credentials.

You're now ready to continue your work.

Photo by chris panas on Unsplash