Facebook Auth with Xamarin Forms and WebAPI CustomGrant - part

Based on the two previous posts, we have a complete setup by now, with a mobile client and an secured API. Now we'll see how we can consume the API with the access tokens we generated in the previous post and finally display the data in the mobile client.

You can find part1 Building the mobile client here and part2 WebAPI CustomGrant setup here.

Extend the API

Before we can consume any data from the API, we need to have a controller with an action. We'll add a GadgetsController. In this sample we'll add a single HTTP GET endpoint to get a list of gadgets.
{% highlight csharp %}
public class GadgetsController : ApiController
public List Get()
return new List {"MBP", "IPad mini", "Nexus 5x", "Tesla Model X"};
{% endhighlight %}

The important part to notice, is the [Authorize] attribute on top of the class. This ensures the controller and all of it's actions can only be consumed by authenticated clients. It is possible to deviate from this
on specific actions.
With this controller in place we're ready to test the API. Again we do this by consuming the API using POSTMAN, and we do it unauthenticated to ensure authentication works as expected RED/GREEN testing.
As expected we get a HTTP 401 Unauthorized because we didn't provide any access token.
postman unauth

Extend the mobile client

In our mobile client we ended part2 with an access token to consume our API. Now we'll extend the client with a simple view where we'll consume the gadgets with
the api access token.

We start by adding a view to the client, one we can navigate to upon successful login. To persist the access token on the client, we'll use the Settings plugin by
James Montemagno. Add the package Xam.Plugins.Settings to the solution. The package must be added both to the PCL and Platform specific project. But the Settings implementation will only be in the PCL.
settings plugin

With this package installed we'll create a simple setting ApiAccesstoken to the pregenerated Settings class, also added by the plugin during package installation.
{% highlight csharp %}
private const string ApiAccessTokenKey = "apiAccessToken_key";
private static readonly string ApiAccessTokenDefault = string.Empty;

public static string ApiAccessToken {
get {
return AppSettings.GetValueOrDefault (ApiAccessTokenKey, ApiAccessTokenDefault);
set {
AppSettings.AddOrUpdateValue (ApiAccessTokenKey, value);
{% endhighlight %}
With this in place, we can store the API access token like this when we authenticate. After login the app navigate to a GadgetsView
{% highlight csharp %}
if (authenticationTicket != null)
var apiAccessToken = authenticationTicket.Access_Token;
Settings.ApiAccessToken = apiAccessToken;
{% endhighlight %}

Consuming and listing API data

To consume the APIs Gadgets endpoint we will add a GadgetsViewmodel as the GadgetsView will later bind to and display the data we consume in the viewmodel.
The viewmodel will have a method LoadGadgets where we securely load the gadgets. To improve performance we use the nuget package ModenHttpClient
{% highlight csharp %}
public async Task<List> LoadGadgets ()
using (var handler = new NativeMessageHandler ()) {
using (var client = new HttpClient (handler)) {

        var requestMessage = new HttpRequestMessage {
            Method = HttpMethod.Get,
            RequestUri = new Uri ("http://windows:8080/api/gadgets")						

        requestMessage.Headers.Add ("Accept", "application/json");
        requestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue ("Bearer", Settings.ApiAccessToken);

        var response = await client.SendAsync (requestMessage);
        var content = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync ();

        return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Gadget>> (content);

{% endhighlight %}

We build a HttpRequestMessage of type GET and and specify the api endpoint we want to consume. To the Header of the request we add application/json to ensure the response is formatted as json and finally we add
an authorization header where we specify our API access token, this is the key to access our protected resource.

The rest of the implementation to bind the view and the viewmodel can be found in the source code at GitHub.
When the app is started we are first asked to authenticate with facebook and after successfull login, redirected to the main screen implemented by the GadgetsView, where all the gadgets are loaded and displayed.
postman unauthpostman unauth

Source code is available on GitHub